Chest workouts for men are one of the top-searched categories of exercises worldwide.

Whether you’re shirtless at the community pool or wearing a fitted dress shirt at a business meeting, it doesn’t matter. It’s likely because your chest muscles are one of the first things seen.

For men, chest muscles are a fantastic way to build confidence while also helping them aim for their dream physique.

Suppose you’re one of the tens of thousands of guys looking to begin building a heavy chest workout. We have a ton of great chest exercises for you to consider.

In this guide, we’ll explore the different components of the chest, how you can activate them, and which chest workouts pros recommend.

What Are Your Major Chest Muscles?

Before you begin working out your upper body, you must know what groups of muscles need your focus. With chest workouts, you’ll activate three groups of muscles that will lead to much larger pecs. These groups include the pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, and serratus anterior.

  • Pectoralis Major: This group of muscles is responsible for most of your pec growth. It’s fan-shaped and large, constructed of a clavicular head and sternocostal head.
  • Pectoralis Minor: This group of muscles is located right below the pectoralis major. Their primary job is to pull the shoulder down and forward when you move.
  • Serratus Anterior: The serratus anterior is on the side of your chest wall. You’ll activate this group of muscles whenever you lift weights overhead.

As you can tell, multiple areas can help you build your ideal physique with chest exercises.

It’s important to find compound and isolated chest workouts so you can focus on all of your upper body structures simultaneously.

Nevertheless, even with a list of the best chest exercises, many guys find it challenging to build muscle fibers in their chest.

Why Can’t I Build Chest Muscles?

You can have as many chest exercises at your disposal as you want, but several components work together when you’re looking to build muscle.

Your sets and reps, what you’re eating, if you’re warming up, etc., have something to do with muscle growth.

If you’ve found it particularly challenging to start bulking, here are a few things to consider that could delay your progress.

1. Warming Up

The importance of warm-ups goes beyond protecting your muscles from strain and tearing. It is also essential to getting your chest muscles ready to build.

When you work out, your muscles inevitably break down, and during recovery, they begin rebuilding.

During this process is when your muscles will start to get larger.

However, the muscles must break down slowly and healthily, which is where warmups come into play.

Dynamic warm-ups are a fantastic way to start your pre-workout, improving your range of motion and warming your body up.

The more time you spend on your warm-up, the longer your muscles can pump major iron, extending your workout tenfold.

Plus, you have the added benefit of a faster recovery and a lower likelihood of acute or chronic injuries.

2. Eating Protein

When you’re putting a lot of effort into perfecting your upper body, what you eat has a lot to do with your success.

Again, you can do thousands of chest exercises, but if you’re eating unhealthy, your muscles won’t have the nutrients they need to bulk up.

It’s time to maximize your effort in the gym by revolutionizing your diet, adding healthier ingredients, and eating more protein.

Protein is the number one factor you need to consider when building muscle, as it’s responsible for muscle health.

Remember how we discussed that your muscles break down and then rebuild when working out? Protein assists with the rebuilding, allowing blood and other essential nutrients into your muscles so they can prepare.

Without protein, you won’t get additional gains, and your muscles won’t be nearly as healthy.

On average, you should consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily for regular sustainability.

Those looking to build muscle must double that amount to 1.6 grams to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily.

3. Remember Carbs

Somewhere along the way, there was a myth circulating that said carbs were horrible, and we should avoid them at all costs.

However, carbohydrates are an essential everyday nutrient that people need to ingest to get the energy they need.

Primarily as someone focusing on chest exercises, carbs can give you plenty of energy to power through your workout.

Improving your carb intake before your chest workout and after can help you fuel and refuel your body.

Your glycogen reserves won’t drop, leaving you with the energy you need. You’ll find your workouts will be longer, more powerful, and more effective. 

That said, focusing on the type of carbs you eat before your chest workout is a must.

Complex carbs, like whole grains and whole wheat, are bound to do you much better than non-complex carbs.

You’ll find they take longer to digest, keeping you fuller for longer while also nourishing your body at the same time.

Consider bananas, whole grain bagels, protein shakes, and other quick snacks for pre-workout and post-workout energy.

4. Meal Prepping Is Key

There’s no doubt when you talk to people who have just started a chest workout, meal prep is one of the buzzwords in their vocabulary.

It’s for a good reason because meal prepping is key to success whether you’re looking to bulk, lose, or maintain weight.

Not to mention it’s simply convenient and can help you save a ton of time throughout the week, keeping you on track with your goals.

Meal prepping allows you to make all the meals and snacks you’ll need for the week before it even starts.

For example, craft your breakfasts, lunches, and dinners on Sunday night so they’re ready to eat all week.

When you already have food prepared and ready to go, your chances of getting fast food or skipping meals become minute.

Instead, you’ll be eating the healthiest foods to help you make the most of the best chest exercises for optimal growth.

Also, you’ll be able to guarantee you’re getting the correct number of macros to help fuel your entire upper body.

Chest Workouts For Men: 8 Exercises to Build Your Pecs Today

You now have a good idea of the muscle groups in your chest and how to care for them to begin bulking. Let’s get into the best workouts for your chest muscles.

If you already know these exercises, consider the following summary of recommended workout sets and repetitions.

WorkoutRecommended SetsRecommended Reps
Barbell Bench Press4-610-15
Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press4-67-12
Dumbbell Flye3-410-15
Low-Incline Press3-410-15
Landmine Press2-38-12
Prone Flye2-38-12
Plate Press Out3-412-15
Medicine Ball Pushups2-315-25

You can do these sure-fire routines at home or in the gym. They will allow you to carve your shoulder blades, bulk your shoulder width, and boost your upper chest.

Workout 1: Barbell Bench Press

The barbell bench press is one of the most popular exercises to use when building your upper chest.

It’s also an exercise you can do at home, rather than needing a gym and its equipment.

What makes it unique is you can do it in two ways. You can either lie flat or use an incline bench and individual weights. The second manner transforms the exercise into an incline bench press.

Tips for Doing a Barbell Bench Press

Let’s review some amazing tips to help you get the most out of your barbell bench press.

1. Heavier weights with lower reps are one of the best ways to start bulking using a barbell bench press. This exercise requires a variable resistance that allows you to increase your strength as your muscles warm up. Once you get used to a certain number of reps at a specific weight, add more weight.

2. Always keep your elbows tucked when doing this exercise, rather than letting them flare to 90 degrees away. You’ll want to keep your elbows at about 45 degrees to avoid injuries and discomfort.

3. When using a regular or incline dumbbell bench press, don’t forget to engage your core. Doing so helps to ensure you’re not only working your chest but also your stomach muscles. An engaged core can also provide extra power to the rest of your upper body.

Steps to Perform

Do this exercise in four to six sets, each with 10 to 15 repetitions. Here are the procedures:

1. Take the barbell into your hands, keeping your hands shoulder-width apart.

2. It can be helpful to arch your back to create space between the bench and your lower back.

3. While removing the bar from the rack, lower it towards your sternum, and begin tucking your elbows at 45 degrees to your sides.

4. Continue lowering the barbell until it touches your chest as you push your feet to the ground.

5. Raise the barbell toward the sky, keeping your arms straight and your hands still at shoulder width apart.

6. Repeat steps four and five until you complete your chest workout.

Workout 2: Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press

As mentioned, a dumbbell bench press is quite similar to a barbell bench press. It’s just that you’re using different types of weights.

If you want to add even more variation to your chest workout, why not try an alternating dumbbell bench press?

This workout adds a little more resistance while alternating power between your right and left arm as you work out.

Tips for Doing an Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press

Let’s review a few essential tips to help you make the most of this chest exercise.

1. One of the top tips for a dumbbell bench press is to keep your feet firmly planted on the floor. Doing so helps to give your body more structure while ensuring your back is in a straight line while lying down. With firmly planted feet, you won’t have as much back soreness.

2. With an alternating dumbbell bench press, you can use a flat bench or an incline bench, depending on your preferences. Typically, a flat bench will work best, as it allows you to bring the weights down closer to your chest. However, a flat bench might not be ideal if you’re rehabbing a back injury.

3. As with most of the workouts on this list, you should pay close attention to the heaviness of your weights. If it’s your first time working your chest and shoulder blades, start with a lower weight and do fewer reps. As you get more comfortable with your form and experience, add more weight for an even bigger burn.

Steps to Perform

Complete four to six sets of this exercise with seven to 12 repetitions per set. Use the following steps:

1. Find your chosen bench and lie down, holding the dumbbells near your shoulders.

2. Keep your palms facing your thighs while you lift the weights slowly over your chest.

3. Keep one arm straight while lowering the other, bringing the dumbbell to touch the outside of your shoulder.

4. Push the lowered dumbbell back to the ceiling until you’re in your starting position.

5. Once in the starting position, lower the opposite dumbbell, alternating the movements between your two arms.

6. Continue lowering and reaching toward the ceiling with both arms until you’ve completed your required set.

Workout 3: Dumbbell Flye

If a bigger chest is on your agenda, a dumbbell flye is one of the workouts you’re bound to see guys doing for pec growth.

This workout focuses on all areas of your pec muscles, specifically the sternal fibers attached to your sternum.

As you bulk in this area, you’ll get a more distinctive chest separation aesthetic, allowing your pectoral muscles to put their best foot forward.

Tips for Doing a Dumbbell Flye

Let’s review some tips to help you capitalize on every movement with a dumbbell flye.

1. It’s common to want to arch your back when doing this exercise. However, it’s less effective than you might think, even if you’re trying to emulate massive bodybuilders. Keep your back straight, focusing on targeting your chest muscles with plenty of force.

2. When doing this exercise, focus on bending your elbows rather than keeping your arms straight and locking them. Improper form with a dumbbell flye can lead to your muscle fibers not getting the actual load of the weights. It also increases the risk of injury to your shoulder joints and elbows.

3. Be sure not to overstretch, allowing your elbows to drop too low when in your starting position. Keep your elbows at your torso. Otherwise, you could injure your shoulders while reducing the workout for your pec muscles.

Steps to Perform

This workout can be beneficial with three to four sets of 10 to 15 repetitions. Here are the steps:

1. Using an incline bench, lower the angle to about 30 degrees for optimal comfort and keep your feet flat on the floor.

2. Take a dumbbell in each hand and hold them right above your chest with your palms facing each other.

3. Lower the weights from your chest outward in an arc as far as comfortable, using your chest muscles to hold the weight outward.

4. Using the same chest muscles, bring the weights back inward to your starting position with the dumbbells above your chest.

5. Repeat steps three and four for your desired number of sets and reps.

Workout 4: Low-Incline Press

The low-incline press is one of the top exercises we recommend if you want to work your upper chest.

What makes it unique from other barbell bench presses is that it requires a low incline rather than no incline or a high incline.

Ideally, you’ll want to keep the bench at around 15-30 degrees, allowing you to work your upper chest and pecs for a fuller chest.

Tips for Doing a Low-Incline Press

There are a couple of helpful tips to consider when doing a low-incline press to help you make the most of your workout routine.

Let’s explore some need-to-know items to help you.

1. The number one tip every fitness enthusiast needs to consider with a low-incline press is the bench incline. You will not work the correct muscle group without the proper angle, so you need a low incline for upper chest growth. As mentioned, between 15 and 30 degrees will help you get the most out of your workout.

2. Your form is another thing to remember with this chest exercise, as it can make or break your effort. Always pinch your shoulders together, raise your chest toward the bar, and keep your butt planted on the bench. A good beginner’s tip is to imagine bringing your shoulder blades into your back pockets.

3. Keeping your forearms straight is a must-do when working with a bench press. You won’t want to bend your wrists, as this could put you at risk for injury as you begin adding more weights.

Steps to Perform

We recommend doing the low-incline press in three to four sets of 10 to 15 repetitions. Follow these steps:

1. Rest your back on the bench and keep your feet on the ground.

2. Take hold of your barbell and keep your hands a little wider than shoulder width with your feet positioned shoulder-width apart.

3. Make a slight bend in your back, putting space between the bench and your lower back.

4. Unrack the bar, lowering it toward your sternum while keeping your elbows bent and tucked slightly at 45 degrees.

5. While keeping your elbows bent slightly, press the bar upward while driving your feet into the ground until you fully extend your arms.

6. Returning to starting position, repeat steps four and five until you’ve completed your desired number of sets and reps.

Workout 5: Landmine Press

If you’re one of those guys who love putting new exercises to the test, landmine presses are one of the best chest exercises.

Instead of using a standard chest press machine or holding a dumbbell in each hand, you’ll lift one end of a barbell.

The entire premise of this workout is to boost your core stability, activate many upper body muscles, and increase your pressing strength throughout your chest.

Tips for Doing a Landmine Press

Here are some tips to help you master the perfect form while doing a landmine press.

1. The first tip to consider is the amount of weight you want to use to build muscle mass with this workout. You’ll want to choose a heavy enough weight that you can still control for at least three sets of eight to 12 reps. Without control, you won’t be able to master the proper technique or form.

2. Another trick is to keep your neck and head in a neutral position with your shoulders over your hip. You won’t want to put too much pressure on your upper back and neck, which could lead to injury. Keep your knees slightly bent for more freedom of movement.

3. Maintaining your grip is another must-do with this exercise. Otherwise, you’ll be in a world of pain. You can use weightlifting gloves or hand chalk if you’re concerned you’ll drop the weight mid-lift.

Steps to Perform

A landmine press workout works best with two or three sets of eight to 12 reps. Here are the steps:

1. Wedge a barbell in the corner of the room with one end sticking upward.

2. Choose a weight and load it onto the barbell’s opposite end while holding the end of the barbell sleeve with your dominant hand.

3. Keeping a staggered stance, ensure your left or right leg is in front of the other, whichever is most comfortable.

4. Begin pressing the bar straight overhead and return to your starting position.

5. Continue pressing and releasing the bar towards the corner in controlled motions.

Workout 6: Prone Flye

If you’re looking for fewer beginner-friendly workouts and are ready to throw yourself into the deep end, prone flyes are a chest workout for you.

Instead of using an everyday resistance band or an incline bench press, this workout helps you master both your chest and back muscles.

That said, it’s certainly not beginner-friendly and will put your body strength to the test.

Tips for Doing a Prone Flye

There are a few helpful tips you can use to master a prone flye from day one.

1. Always use a comfortable weight when working your pectoralis major and other chest muscles. Ensure you can keep your body straight while controlling the weight for optimal results.

2. This exercise can be challenging, especially with your arms fully extended and in a plank position. If you begin to feel significant discomfort or pain, stop training immediately. Finding accommodation, such as adding an incline bench, can make a difference.

3. Posture is key with this workout, especially as you’ll be focusing on lateral raises. Your back should be straight, your torso bent over, and your hips hinged.

4. If you find it too challenging to move your dumbbells inward and outward on your floor, try putting a towel underneath each weight. This should help to facilitate sliding on most hard surfaces. If not, you can do the exercise on your knees to reduce the pressure on each weight.

Steps to Perform

A good prone flye workout will need two to three sets of between eight to 12 reps. Here are the steps:

1. Take a dumbbell in each hand and put your body into a plank/pushup position directly on the floor.

2. Keep your palms facing each other while you spread your arms apart at shoulder height, as you would with a regular flye.

3. At this point, you should feel a good stretch in your chest.

4. Squeeze the dumbbells as you bring your hands back inward to your starting position.

5. While moving the dumbbells inward and outward, keep your back flat, your glutes braced, and your abs engaged.

6. Continue with steps two through five until you’ve completed your entire workout routine.

Workout 7: Plate Press Out

A plate press out, also known as a plate pinch press, is one of the best chest workouts you can get your hands on.

It’s also one of the most overlooked exercises, even if it helps engage plenty of muscles and allows for much customization.

If you’re working towards muscle hypertrophy, this exercise is one of the top recommended for bulking.

Tips for Doing a Plate Press Out

Let’s explore some tips to take advantage of a plate press out.

1. A plate press-out is more of the type of exercise you do at the end of your regime rather than the beginning. It can help to exacerbate muscle fatigue, which is why it’s best left for last. After completing your compound exercises, you’ll find it most helpful to hit your ideal fatigue level.

2. One of the biggest mistakes people make with this exercise is not isolating their pec muscles. You may be using your anterior delts or lats, reducing the exercise’s impact. By focusing on your form, you can easily build your upper chest.

3. Interestingly, weight isn’t the most crucial facet of this exercise, unlike other chest exercises. It doesn’t matter whether you lift 15 or 30 pounds. You have to maintain the proper form. You’ll get an amazing workout by boosting muscle tension, even with lower weights.

Steps to Perform

We recommend doing three to four sets of plate press outs with 12 to 15 reps. Follow this procedure:

1. Take a pair of weight plates together, keeping their smooth side facing outward.

2. Hold the plates between your palms, so they’re directly in front of your chest.

3. Use your hands to squeeze the plates together, focusing on your pec muscles while extending your arms until they’re straight.

4. Continue using your pecs as you pull the weights back into your chest, allowing your elbows to bend.

5. For the second set, bring the weights down to a 45-degree angle and repeat steps three and four.

6. For your third set, bring the weights up at a 45-degree angle and repeat steps three and four.

7. Alternate steps five and six for the remainder of your workout.

Workout 8: Medicine Ball Pushups

Did you know that pushups are one of the most effective chest workouts you can do that require no equipment?

Adding a medicine ball into the mix helps you get more work on your chest while doing a compound exercise.

It’s not a massive shift in difficulty compared to a standard pushup, but it adds a little bit of spice to your workout.

Tips for Doing a Medicine Ball Pushup

Here are a few tips to help you master the art of this exercise.

1. It’s imperative that you use a medicine ball rather than any other type of ball when doing this workout. You’ll need workout gear that can hold your weight without wobbling all over the place, especially as a beginner. Medicine balls are heavy, have plenty of exterior grip, and are great for hard and soft surfaces.

2. As with regular pushups, you should keep your body in the best position. You’ll need your feet shoulder-width apart with your elbows bent in your starting position. You’ll want to maintain a slight bend in your elbows while you push your body upward.

Steps to Perform

Finish two to three sets of medicine ball pushups with 15 to 25 reps. Use this procedure:

1. Take your medicine ball, put both hands on the ball’s surface, and move your body into a pushup position.

2. Quickly remove your hands, spreading them onto the floor, so they’re shoulder-width apart.

3. Bring your chest down towards the ball until they touch.

4. Push yourself up quickly, bringing your hands from the floor to the top of the ball again.

5. Continue these movements for your entire workout to feel a massive burn in your chest muscles.

Chest Workouts For Men FAQs

1. What are some good chest and tricep workouts?

One of the more interesting features of chest workouts is they tend to work your triceps simultaneously.

That said, you can do many compound exercises to control growth throughout your entire torso.

A few of the fan-favorite chest and tricep workouts you should use are:

  • Incline dumbbell bench presses
  • Barbell bench presses
  • Cable crossovers
  • Chest dips

2. What are good chest workouts with dumbbells?

Dumbbells will quickly become one of your favorite types of weight when bulking your chest.

Fortunately, there are numerous exercises that you can use with these weights instead of barbells.

Not only are they massively convenient, but they are also great to use at home if you don’t have time for the gym.

A few fantastic dumbbell-friendly chest workouts include:

  • Prone flye or incline flye
  • Dumbbell bench press/alternating dumbbell bench press
  • Incline dumbbell press
  • Dumbbell flye/dumbbell half-flye

3. Can chest workouts cause chest tightness?

It’s important to remember that when working your chest, you’re breaking your muscles down, and they’ll become quite sore.

It’s always a good idea to give your body a rest day or two, depending on how hard you’ve worked out.

Depending on the muscle groups you’ve focused on, chest workouts can cause chest tightness.

However, if you’re concerned your chest tightness isn’t due to muscle fatigue, it’s best to talk to your doctor.

Chest Workouts For Men: Start Your Regimen Today

When making your list of the best chest workouts for men, there are a ton of exercises you can start adding.

Managing a daily chest exercise is a fantastic way to begin working towards your dream physique.

Now’s a good time to cut back on body fat and start bulking muscle so you can look and feel your best for any occasion.
