Exercising more than one muscle group not only ensures you make the most out of your workout time. It is also one of the most effective programs that bodybuilders have followed for years.

Of course, you can’t just combine any exercise. You need to have a well-thought-out program to activate your target muscle groups. Hence, we created a chest shoulder tricep workout routine you can follow. It combines optimal exercises to help you gain muscle mass and increase muscle strength, as expected.

Whether you’re a beginner or have been lifting for quite some time, we’ve got you covered. Each workout plan will primarily target your shoulders, chest, or triceps, any combination of the three muscle groups, or all of them.

Some of the exercises will also target other upper body muscles like the biceps and rotator cuffs. For these exercises, you would need an adjustable bench, a barbell, a set of dumbbells, and/or a cable machine.

Chest Shoulder Tricep Workout for Beginners

As a beginner, you must focus on achieving the correct form and technique for each exercise. Always start with low weight or one you can still lift after the recommended number of sets. Then, as you progress, you can start adding more weights.

Here’s a quick summary of the different exercises in this workout program:

ExerciseNumber of RepsNumber of Sets
Barbell Bench Press55
Lat Pulldown104
Incline Dumbbell Press103
Barbell Row104

How To Do a Barbell Bench Press

Bench presses are among the most popular upper body workouts because they help increase your pushing strength. Not only do bench presses target chests shoulders and triceps, they also help build your bicep, upper back, and core strength.

Step 1: Adjust your bench to ensure it’s flat, then lie on it. Since you’re a beginner, it’s best not to add a plate. After all, the barbell bar has a weight itself.

Step 2: Pull your shoulder blades together and down.

Step 3: Lift your chest to arch your back slightly.

Step 4: Grip the barbell’s bar, ensuring the distance is slightly wider than your shoulder width.

Step 5: Inhale and hold your breath as you unrack the bar.

Step 6: Making sure you don’t lose control, lower the bar not too fast or too slow until it reaches your chest area close to your sternum.

Step 7: Push the bar up while exhaling until you reach the starting position.

And that’s one rep completed! Repeat Step 5 to Step 7 four more times to complete one set.

Once done with the first set, carefully and securely rack the barbell. Sit on the bench (or stand up if you want) and hydrate. After 10 to 30 seconds, repeat Step 2 through Step 7 to start your second set.

How To Do the Lat Pulldown

A cable-based workout that will mostly work on your cheat wall’s sides, the lat pulldown also targets your back. Here’s how to do it properly:

Step 1: Set the lat pulldown machine’s weight to an amount you can pull down and control.

Step 2: Using a pronated grip (your palms facing away from you), grab the bar. The distance between your palms must be slightly wider than your shoulder width.

Step 3: Slowly pull the bar down, sit on the machine’s bench, and tuck your thighs under its leg support.

Step 4: Straighten your back and bring your chest out to achieve a good posture.

Step 5: Look up at the bar, inhale, and pull the bar down towards you until it is just below your chin or touches your upper chest.

Step 6: Exhale and slowly pull the bar up by extending your arms with good control, ensuring your upper body does all or most of the pushing movements.

Step 7: Once your arms are fully extended, without your buttocks and thighs pulling away from the bench, you’ve already completed one rep.

Repeat Step 5 to Step 7 nine more times to complete one set.

Once done with the first set, slowly stand up while gripping the bar. While standing, release the bar slowly. Take a 10- to 30-second break and hydrate. Then, repeat Step 2 to Step 7 to start your second set.

How To Do the Incline Dumbbell Press

This great exercise that targets the chest shoulders and triceps combines pressing and pushing motions and helps correct strength imbalances. It also builds the upper chest muscle that is often unengaged when performing other chest exercises.

Step 1: Adjust the back of your bench until it is inclined between 15 and 30 degrees.

Step 2: Take one pair of dumbbells and place one on the right side of the incline bench and another on the left.

Step 3: Sit on the bench and lift the pair of dumbbells from the floor.

Step 4: Slowly lean back until your back rests comfortably on the inclined part of the bench, making sure you brace your core.

Step 5: Slowly press the dumbbells over the top of your breasts with your wrists straight. Your elbows should have a 45-degree angle and be pointing to the floor.

Step 6: Exhale and lift the dumbbells over your chest, ensuring the dumbbells are almost touching each other when you reach the top. At this point, your arms should be perpendicular to the floor.

Step 7: Inhale and slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position (as in Step 5).

That’s one rep completed, so repeat Step 6 to Step 7 nine more times to complete one set.

Once done with the first set, slowly lean forward, and place your dumbbells on the floor. Sit down or stand up and take a 10- to 30-second break. Hydrate and repeat Step 3 to Step 7 to start your second set.

How To Do a Barbell Row

A full-body, big-muscle compound exercise, the barbell row not only helps build and strengthen your upper body. It also strengthens your lower body, specifically your glutes and legs, to help achieve stability and balance. Here’s how you can perform one the right way:

Step 1: Place your barbell on the floor and stand directly in front of it, ensuring your midfoot is aligned underneath its middle part.

Step 2: Straighten your back with your feet shoulder width apart.

Step 3: With your knees bent slightly and your shoulder directly over your hips, maintain neutral neck and head positions.

Step 4: With a pronated grip, grab the bar and lean forward. Keep your arms straight while the bar hangs.

Step 5: Inhale and slowly pull the bar toward you, preferably until it touches your chest or abs.

Step 6: With great control, lower the barbell bar to the starting position.

Repeat nine more times to complete one set, then rest before starting a new one.

Chest Shoulder Tricep Workout for Intermediate Lifters

Since you’ve already gained enough strength, it is time to take it up a notch. This program follows a progression system, so there are three different sessions.

The first set of routines, where you should start, will work your chest muscles. After you’re done, proceed to the second program, focusing on your shoulders. The last set will be for building your triceps.

For each set, the rep should range from six to 15, depending on your strength. Also, all sets start with a compound exercise that works on different muscles, specifically, your chest shoulders and triceps.

Why? According to studies, the first exercise should always allow you to lift as much weight as possible to increase your strength.

Chest Workouts

Barbell Bench Press: 4 Sets

Follow the same steps as above, but add more weights to your barbell.

Incline Dumbbell Press: 3 Sets

Follow the same steps as above, but use higher-weight dumbbells.

Dumbbell Chest Fly: 3 Sets

Although this isolation exercise also builds shoulder and tricep muscles, it allows your chest muscles to move toward the center of the body.

Step 1: Holding your dumbbells, carefully lay down on a flat bench.

Step 2: Spread your arms to your sides, ensuring they are at chest level and your elbows slightly bent and pointing out.

Step 3: As you exhale, lift the dumbbells above your chest.

Step 4: Inhale and slowly lower the dumbbells to your sides as deeply as possible.

Repeat Step 3 and Step 4 a few times, depending on how many reps you want to finish one set. After completing one set, take a 10- to 30-second break and hydrate. Then, repeat Step 1 through Step 4 to start your second set.

Shoulder Workouts

man with good shoulder triceps
Image Source

Barbell Overhead Press: 3 Sets

For years, the overhead press has been one of the go-to upper-body strengthening and muscle-building exercises of those who compete. So, it’s time for you to learn how to do it, too!

Step 1: Stand straight, brace your core, and look straight ahead.

Step 2: With your palms facing away from you, grip the barbell bar shoulder width apart.

Step 3: Inhale and unrack or lift the bar from the floor.

Step 4: Bring the bar against your delts and take a step away from the rack or hold it on your upper chest.

Step 5: Stand straight, brace your core, and look straight ahead.

Step 6: Exhale and slowly bring the bar up until your arms are straight, ensuring your legs stay still as you do so.

Step 7: Inhale once the bar reaches the top and slowly lower it to the starting position.

Repeat Step 6 to Step 7 a few times, depending on how many reps you want to finish one set. Don’t forget to rack the bar once done. Take a 10- to 30-second break and hydrate. Then, repeat Step 1 through Step 7 to start your second set.

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3 Sets

As a variation of the barbell overhead press, this exercise allows a longer range of motion. The dumbbells also require more shoulder stability, while the seated position doesn’t require too much core stabilization.

Step 1: Raise the bench’s backrest at a 90-degree angle.

Step 2: Sit down with your back resting on the backrest and grab a set of dumbbells.

Step 3: Lift the dumbbells right above your shoulders.

Step 4: Take a deep breath and brace your core.

Step 5: Exhale and then press (lift) the dumbbells over your head.

Step 6: Once your arms are straight and the dumbbells are almost touching each other, inhale.

Step 7: Slowly lower your dumbbells to the starting position, ensuring the control is back to your shoulders.

Repeat Step 3 to Step 7 a few times, depending on how many reps you want to finish one set. Once done, take a 10- to 30-second break and hydrate. Then, repeat Step 1 through Step 7 to start your second set.

Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 4 Sets

One of the most common triceps exercises, the lateral raise targets your shoulders. You can perform it sitting or standing.

Step 1: Hold a dumbbell on each hand; your arms should be at your side while your palms should be facing you.

Step 2: Slightly bend your elbows.

Step 3: Inhale and with good control, slowly raise the dumbbells outward to your sides until your arms are horizontal or parallel to the floor.

Step 4: Slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position (slightly bent elbows).

Repeat Step 3 to Step 4 a few times, depending on how many reps you want to finish one set. Once done, take a 10- to 30-second break and hydrate. Then, repeat Step 1 to Step 4 to start your second set.

Triceps Workouts

Barbell Lying Triceps Extension: 3 Sets

This exercise’s primary purpose is strengthening your triceps, stabilizing your shoulder joint and sculpting your upper body. You’ll find that your elbows and shoulders will have a better range of motion and strength as you continue incorporating it in your training session. You will also have more flexible arms.

Step 1: Lie on a flat bench, ensuring your head is close to its edge.

Step 2: With a tight overhand grip (palms facing away from your body), hold the barbell at chest level.

Step 3: Carefully lift the barbell up until your arms are straight.

Step 4: Inhale and carefully lower the barbell behind your head while maintaining the same distance between your elbows.

Step 5: While exhaling, slowly bring the barbell back up to the starting position (arms straight over your chest).

Repeat Step 4 to Step 5 a few times, depending on how many reps you want to finish one set. Once done, sit on the bench and/or stand up. Take a 10- to 30-second break and hydrate. Then, repeat Step 1 through Step 5 to start your second set.

Overhead Cable Triceps Extension: 3 Sets

Among the tricep exercises that effectively isolate the said muscle, the overhead cable extension will successfully grow your muscle in no time. What’s more, the resistance’s direction will maintain a constant tension in your triceps.

Step 1: Fasten a rope handle in the cable pulley machine’s lower position.

Step 2: Stand up with your back against the machine.

Step 3: Slightly lean forward and hold the rope behind your head. Your upper arms should be right next to your ears.

Step 4: Inhale and slowly straighten your elbows until you have fully extended arms.

Step 5: Exhale and slowly bend your arms to return to the starting position (rope behind your head and arms next to your ears).

Repeat Step 4 to Step 5 a few times, depending on how many reps you want to finish one set. Once done, slowly release the rope, take a 10- to 30-second break, and hydrate. Then, repeat Step 2 through Step 5 to start your second set.

Triceps Pushdown: 3 Sets

Another of the most effective tricep isolation exercises is the triceps pushdown, wherein you can use a bar or rope as a handle. It also engages your back, core, and shoulders, allowing you to build overall upper body strength.

Step 1: Attach the handle to the cable machine.

Step 2: Choose the weight you’re most comfortable lifting.

Step 3: Set the bar to hang at your chest level.

Step 4: Stand straight in front of the machine and hold the bar using an overhand grip (palms facing the floor).

Step 5: Tuck your elbows in at your sides, engage your core, and then inhale.

Step 6: As you exhale, push the handle down into a straight line until your elbows are slightly bent.

Step 7: Hold the position for at least two seconds, and then inhale.

Step 8: While exhaling and keeping your elbows in a fixed position, slowly pull the handle up until you reach the starting position (chest level; tucked elbows).

Repeat Step 5 to Step 8 a few times, depending on how many reps you want to finish one set. Once done, slowly release the handle. Take a 10- to 30-second break and hydrate. Then, repeat Step 4 through Step 8 to start the second set.

FAQs About Chest, Shoulder, and Tricep Workout

1. Why should you train chest, shoulders, and triceps together?

These muscle groups, known as push muscles, work together to push resistance away from your body. Therefore, training them together will help you achieve greater strength and muscle mass within a shorter period than training them on separate days or weeks.

As you perform chest exercises, you also activate your triceps (or even other arm muscles) and/or shoulder muscles.

Once done, these activated muscles are already fatigued even before you perform the exercise that primarily targets them. Hence, there would be more resistance when you perform the exercises for the next muscle group, requiring more strength and straining your muscles more.

2. How long should a chest shoulder tricep workout be?

As you’ve noticed from the workouts above, the breaks for each set are short. Short intervals mean higher intensity, leading to higher muscle strength and mass. As such, a chest shoulder tricep workout should only take 60 to 90 minutes a day, depending on the number of reps and sets.

3. Why should you pair upper body strength and cardio?

Most experts suggest including cardio exercises in your weekly workout plan. This way, you can gain the muscle-building benefits of weightlifting or resistance training and the calorie-burning benefits of cardio exercises. Through this routine, you’ll achieve the best weight loss, cardio endurance, and muscle strength results.

Achieving a Leaner and Stronger Upper Body

Follow the workout programs we shared, and you’ll surely have a leaner body in no time. At the same time, remember to pair exercises with a healthy meal plan, good sleep, and rest days from lifting weights to give your muscles time to recover. You can stay active during your muscle recovery days by doing cardio exercises.
