One of the most important things you need to develop, build, and invest in while you’re still young is your health. There’s no point in becoming the richest man on earth if you don’t get to live long enough to enjoy what you worked so hard for.

That’s why exercising and reaping all its health benefits is essential. However, it’s challenging to find a holistic training regime that builds the upper and lower body.

Fortunately, we’ve found the solution for you, and that’s the TRX workout. We’ll let you know the essential facts about this type of training.

What Is TRX Workout?

TRX stands for total resistance exercise. As the name suggests, it focuses mainly on resistance training.

It allows you to build strength in different parts of your body without lifting heavy weights or conducting high-intensity repetitions.

In TRX training, a strap is hung from a ceiling and you use its loops or the TRX handles to generate enough resistance with your hands or feet.

This may not look as intense as other types of training, but believe us when we say that it only takes a few minutes before you feel the burn.

One of the best things about TRX training is that even beginners can maximize their potential. You’ll see what we mean by that later on.

For now, let’s talk about how TRX workouts benefit your body.

What Are the Benefits of TRX Workout?

TRX training is slowly but steadily becoming more popular, and for good reasons. Having started from nothing but a jiu-jitsu belt and parachute webbing, it’s now evolved into a completely new form of full body workout that provides numerous benefits.

Whole Body Workout

man doing a TRX workout
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TRX workouts are sometimes referred to as total “body” resistance exercises. That’s mainly because of how it uses and develops your entire body.

Through this form of training, you can rapidly improve your lower and upper body strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, core, and joint stability. It means that whatever your fitness goals are, a TRX suspension trainer will help you achieve them quickly.

All you have to do is take advantage of your own body weight and adjust your position, and you instantly gain access to hundreds of exercises. Moreover, since you’re only using a single training tool, you can conduct your entire exercise routine in as little time as possible.

Improves Core Strength

woman working out
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A strong core is not just about flashing those six-pack abs. Your core is partially responsible for your posture, movements, overall strength, and even lower back resilience.

Since TRX suspension training primarily involves balance, you get to activate your abdominal muscles and enhance your core stability.

By using your own weight to increase resistance, and your core muscles to maintain stability, you can strengthen your lower back and even develop your abs.

Accommodates Any Fitness Level

couple doing a workout routine
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One of the best things about a suspension trainer is that it’s so versatile; literally, anyone can use it. Professional athletes to novice gym goers and even elderlies can practice suspension training.

The intensity of the workout depends on how you adjust your body position, which means you can increase or decrease the resistance as much as you like.

Adding to that is the fact that suspension training is a low-impact activity, so it’s relatively easy on the joints. Furthermore, you can comfortably use a suspension trainer even if you have a pre-existing injury because the low-impact movements will not agitate it.

Anytime, Anywhere

trx workout equipment
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The TRX workout was developed by a Navy Seal who wanted to keep improving his body while having to work out within a limited space. It allowed him to design a fitness routine that requires as little space as possible.

It also means that you can use your suspension trainer virtually anywhere. Whether you want to set it up at home or bring it with you so you can exercise at your hotel, the suspension trainer has got you covered.

Best TRX Exercises for Beginners

Here comes the exciting part. We’ll teach you how you can maximize your TRX suspension trainer to develop your lower and upper body.

You can combine the different exercises we’ve listed below to come up with a functional training routine. Just mix them up a little to ensure that you’re targeting different muscles in different parts of your body.

1. TRX Bottom-Up Squat

The TRX Bottom-Up Squat increases the range of motion on the knees and can also improve the mobility of your hips.

This exercise also promotes the proper engagement of your shoulder girdle and the rotator cuff. It can even optimize the alignment of your spine.

How To:

  1. Stand several feet away from the TRX straps while holding the handle to your chest.
  2. Extend your arms while leaning back so that your body is in a diagonal position.
  3. Bend your knees while your arms are extended and try to go down as deep as possible.
  4. Your body should still be leaning backward while in a seated position.
  5. Keep your back and shoulders straight to engage your core muscles.
  6. Maintain the position for several seconds before pulling the handles to assume a squat position.
  7. Stand back up and repeat the process as you deem necessary.

What to Avoid:

  • Transferring all your weight to your toes while in a squat position
  • Leaning forward while in a squat position
  • Improper breathing technique

2. TRX Wide Stance Hip Hinge

The TRX Wide Stance Hip Hinge is a great exercise to stretch your hip. It also improves ankle mobility and its range of motion.

You can combine this workout with the Cossack Stretch so you can engage your core muscles as well.

How To:

  1. Adjust the straps so that the handles are right in front of your stomach.
  2. Keep your feet shoulder width and hinge back with only your hips moving.
  3. Keep your spine and arms straight and maintain the position for several seconds.
  4. Return to your starting position and shift your weight to one leg.
  5. Bend the knee carrying your weight while stretching the other leg straight.
  6. Lighten and play with your grip on the handles to engage your core muscles by maintaining your body’s balance.
  7. Return to your starting position and repeat the process on the other side.

An entire round involves finishing the routine on both sides. Conduct this exercise for five rounds with 10 seconds of rest in between.

What to Avoid:

  • Rounding your shoulders
  • Extending your arms instead of hinging your hips
  • Overextended arms when conducting Cossack Stretch
  • Improper breathing technique

3. TRX Forward Lunge

A tight hip is one of the most common challenges men face during workouts. The TRX Forward Lunge gets rid of hip immobility and stretches your arms for increased upper body strength.

How To:

  1. Adjust the straps so that the handles are right below your chest.
  2. Face away from the straps while holding the handles right above your shoulders.
  3. Take a huge step with your right foot while letting your arms extend above your head. At this point, your upper arms should be beside your ears.
  4. Try to get as low as you can so that both of your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.
  5. Use your arms to pull your body back to the starting position before taking another huge step forward with the other foot.
  6. One full round consists of taking a huge step with each foot.
  7. Repeat the exercise for five full rounds with 10 seconds of rest in between.

What to Avoid:

  • Limiting the mobility of your hips by standing too close to the straps
  • Turning your body or head to one side during the lunge
  • Improper breathing technique

4. TRX Figure 4

The TRX Figure 4 is also for developing and improving the mobility of your lower body. Nonetheless, this exercise also requires you to maintain your balance, which means you’d also be using your core muscles.

How To:

  1. Adjust the straps so that the handles are either in front of your stomach or at the same height as your shoulders.
  2. Bend your right knee and cross your right foot over the other, forming the number “4”.
  3. Your right ankle should be resting on your left knee at this point.
  4. Grab the handles tightly and slowly bend your left knee to assume a sitting position
  5. Use your upper body and the suspension trainer to maintain your balance.
  6. Hold the position for 30 seconds before doing the same with your other leg.
  7. Repeat the process for two rounds with 10 seconds of rest in between.

What to Avoid:

  • Extending your arms before or while assuming the seated position
  • Pointing the toes of the raised foot
  • Failing to keep a straight spine
  • Incorrect breathing technique

5. TRX Chest Press From Body Saw

The TRX chest press from body saw is an efficient way to build strength and develop your muscles in the upper body. It also helps you master the proper plank form while engaging your abdominal muscles.

How To:

  1. Adjust the straps so that the loops or handles are at mid-calf length or several inches above your ankles.
  2. Face away from the straps and drop to the floor on your hands and knees.
  3. Insert each of your feet inside the loops or handles.
  4. Bend your elbows and assume a plank position.
  5. Using your upper arms and shoulders, move your body back and forth to mimic a saw’s movement.
  6. Keep your elbows planted on the floor.
  7. Repeat the saw motion according to your desired repetitions.
  8. After finishing the desired repetitions, press the floor with your hands to drive your body upward.
  9. At this point, you should be in the starting position of a pushup.
  10. Place your elbow back on the floor and repeat the process.

For beginners, you can do this in three sets with five back-and-forth motions each. If you want to increase the intensity, do it in three sets with 10 back-and-forth motions.

What to Avoid:

  • Using the momentum of the saw motion to lift your body off the floor
  • Not assuming the pushup position
  • Incorrect breathing technique

6. TRX Overhead Back Extension

If you’re struggling with poor posture or if you frequently experience back pain, this exercise is for you.

The TRX overhead back extension is one of the best exercises targeting the lower and upper back muscles. Moreover, this TRX workout also improves your overall strength, balance, mobility, and joint stability.

How To:

  1. Adjust the straps so that the handles are in front of your abdomen.
  2. Grab the handles and raise them above your head with your arms extended in a wide stance.
  3. Hinge your hips backward and let your arms move overhead and in front of your face.
  4. As your toes lift from the floor, let your weight sink to the rear portion of your feet.
  5. Bend your back as much as the straps allow and bring your chin closer to your chest.
  6. Use your hips and arms to pull you back to the starting position.
  7. Repeat this in four sets with 10 repetitions each.
  8. Make sure that you have adequate rest in between sets.

What to Avoid:

  • Standing too far or too close to the straps
  • Setting the straps too low
  • Bending your knees when you hinge backward
  • Improper breathing

7. TRX Atomic Push Ups

The atomic push ups are another TRX workout that targets your entire body.

Although your main target is your abdominal muscles, this exercise also engages the lower and upper body for stability. Aside from strengthening various muscles in your body, it’s also a great way to get rid of excess body fat.

How To:

  1. Adjust the straps so that the handles are at mid-calf length or several inches above your ankles.
  2. Face away from the straps and insert your feet into each of the strap’s loops or handles.
  3. Assume a plank position with your hands against the floor and your arms straight.
  4. Bend your elbows until your face is a few inches above the floor before lifting your body back up.
  5. Bend your knees and tuck them into your chest.
  6. Extend your knees again to return to your starting position.

Do this in three sets with 12 to 15 repetitions each with 30 seconds to one minute of rest in between.

What to Avoid:

  • Not maintaining the plank position
  • Using the floor to rest your knees
  • Not challenging your body to descend to the floor
  • Incorrect breathing technique

8. TRX Standing Roll Out

This TRX workout is a great way to engage the muscles in your entire body.

You can combine it with your strength training, especially if you’re trying to build your chest, arms, and back area. Nonetheless, the TRX standing roll out also targets your core muscles and improves your balance and bodily awareness.

How To:

  • Adjust the strap to its full length.
  • Grab the handles and extend your arms straight while leaning your weight onto the straps. This should position your body at a 45-degree angle.
  • Make sure that the straps are in contact with your shoulders.
  • Slowly raise your arms above your head without bending at the elbow. This should further decrease your body angle and bring you closer to the ground.
  • Return to the starting position by moving your arms from above your head and back to the 45-degree angle.

Do this in four sets with five repetitions each, and make sure you rest between sets for as long as your body needs.

What to Avoid:

  • Bending your elbows
  • Not using the hips as your main driver
  • Arching your spine
  • Incorrect breathing technique

9. TRX Single Leg Spiderman Push Up

If you’re trying to develop your abdominal muscles, this TRX workout will get you there quickly.

The TRX single leg spiderman push up targets your core and even engages minor and major muscle groups in the lower and upper body.

How To:

  • Adjust the straps so that the handles are at mid-calf length or several inches above your ankles.
  • Get down on all fours and insert one foot in both of the loops or handles.
  • Start with an active plank with your arms and spine straight and your hands against the floor.
  • Float one leg beside the other so that both of them are parallel to the floor.
  • Descend to the floor by bending your elbows like you would in a traditional pushup.
  • Bend the knee of the floating leg and bring it as close as you can to the shoulder on the same side. This should bring you to a Spiderman position.
  • Push your body off the floor while extending the bent knee to return to the starting position.

Do this in four sets with five repetitions each, and rest between sets as needed.

What to Avoid:

  • Arching your back
  • Limiting your movements when descending to the floor
  • Limiting your movements when driving your knee to your shoulder
  • Improper breathing technique

Three-Day TRX Training Plan

To help you get started, we’ve come up with a three-day TRX training plan to develop your strength, mobility, and flexibility.

Day 1(Strength Training)TRX Chest Press from Body Saw35 (10 for advanced trainers)
TRX Overhead Back Extension410
TRX Standing Roll Out45
TRX Single Leg Spiderman Pushup45
Day 2(Mobility Training)TRX Bottom Up SquatWarm-up (as many times as necessary)
TRX Figure 4 Stretch230 seconds per stretch
TRX Forward Lunge35 per side
TRX Atomic Push Up312
TRX Standing Roll Out45
Day 3(Flexibility Training)TRX Wide Stance Hip Hinge530-45 seconds per round (hinge and stretch)
TRX Forward Lunge35 per side
TRX Overhead Back Extension410
TRX Single Leg Spiderman Pushup45

Try the TRX Workout Now!

The days when pushing your body past its limit when lifting heavy dumbbells are long gone.

Nowadays, countless full-body exercises efficiently build all the major muscles in your body. Knowing which TRX workout does this for you will help you achieve your fitness goals in no time.
